Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Great Paper Chase

This Christmas a very good friend of ours gave us a set of beautiful napkins that she made as a gift.  It reminded us of how long it had been since we had picked up a roll of paper towels or super pack for that matter.  You know the kind that you get at your local big box bulk store...the kind that has taken a half or full tree to make depending on which pallet it's sitting on. That all changed a few years ago and we've never looked back.  We ultimately gave paper napkins and towels up for three reasons:
  1. The cost
  2. The waste
  3. We had sets of perfectly good cloth napkins that we seldom if ever used
Now don't get me wrong.  We still have the need for the occasional paper towel, but I would say that a good 98% of our needs are now filled by our cloth napkins.  Another 1% is filled by rags that have been recycled from various cloths, towels, wash clothes, etc. that have served their original purpose but are ready for their next 'life' as they make the trip to the ole' rag bag.  That leaves a whole 1% to what used to be our go-to product for spills, messes, and general tidiness...paper towels.

Cloth napkins can be inexpensively found at most thrift stores, can be easily made, and best of all can be used time and time again year after year.  All of this means that you will no longer have to chase down the paper towel aisle of your local, (fill in the blank).  No more spending money on something that you are going to use once and then immediately throw away.  Plus, as an added bonus...I can tell you that at a set table there is no contest when it comes to display between a paper towel and a neatly folded cloth napkin!

And yes, when handmade out of stunning fabric they make great gifts:)    

Our Christmas gift:  A set of cloth napkins

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