Friday, May 20, 2011

The Little Things are the Big Things

A simple trip to the Post Office today reminded me of a very important rule.  Simply put (no pun intended) ;)  it's the little things in life that make it the most worthwhile.  Upon opening the PO Box and going through its contents I quickly came to a pleasant bills!  Furthermore there were a couple of freebies--a sample of a new Kellogg's cereal that I had sent off for and a copy of Living the Country Life magazine,a neat little publication that I had recently found a free 3-year subscription to on-line.  To top it off there was a Netflix movie as well.  We spend just under $11 monthly on Netflix and we sure get the good out of it!  Any day that you can walk away from your mailbox with a good feeling is a good day, but when you walk out with a stack of items that are each in their own way a little payoff to your self-discipline and simplicity, well that's Runnin' Lean at its finest:)